Tuyển dụng Recruitment (May 2022) by IAC Hà Nội Quỳnh Th4 26, 2022 0 Comment CONNECT US, WE WILL GROW TOGETHERS We have more than 18 years of experience working with FDI enterprises such as: Korea, China, Singapore, US-UK… At IAC Hanoi, We strive to create an open, dynamic, scientific working environment and bring the greatest value to our clients and employees. MORE INFORMATION Job title: Accountant assistantAssistant Level A1 (02); Assistant Level A2 (03) Job responsibilities:Perform accounting and tax services for clients such as: tax declaration, bookkeeping…(Thực hiện các công việc của dịch vụ kế toán và thuế cho các khách hàng như: kê khai thuế, hạch toán kế toán…) . Job requirement: Must have:Under 03 years working experiences in accounting-auditing-financeFresh graduates welcome to Assistant Level A1ResponsibilityActive.Nice have:Fluent in English, Chinese and Korean languages is an advantage. Benefits: Competitive salary package; Performance and Salary Review: twice a year.Attendance at training course;You will be supported in time and costs to complete the exam such as CPA, ACCA, CPA Australia; allowances after obtaining professional certificates.Other benefits: travel far away once a year; picnic…; 13th month salary and benefits such as birthday, wedding, childbirth; seniority allowances…Do not keep a degree, only keep enthusiasm. GETIN TOUCH Deadline: 25/05/2022-10/06/2022 Contact you within 3-5 working days after receiving your application. Documents are: Curriculum Vitae (with image); Resume (Sơ yếu lý lịch) (No required stamp); Certificated; Link Submit LOCATIONStellar Garden, 35 Le Van Thiem, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi PHONE024 6666 6860 /0912 141 649 HRMs Quynh
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